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What is it?

IRCLinqed is a mod for Minecraft that lets you chat over IRC in-game. No longer do you need any extra 3rd party chatting software, you can chat from right within Minecraft's chat window.


  • Most extensive in-game IRC client in Minecraft's history
  • Toggle a variety of settings, ranging from whether or not to display the MotD to showing mode changes and formatting
  • Set a ton of server specific settings, including nickname, realname, part and quit reasons
  • Chat on multiple servers and easily switch between them
  • Nice looking interfaces for /who, /names, /banlist, /links, /list and more
  • Search channels by regex
  • Chat directly over DCC
  • Send and receive files over DCC
  • Wide range of IRC commands supported


IRC chat in-game

Identity settings

Quit/part settings

IRC to Minecraft bridging settings

Channel listing with regex search


  • R key
    Lists connected servers, and allows for quickly switching between them.
  • F key
    Lists joined channels on the currently active server, and allows for quickly switching between them.
  • Y key
    Accepts an incoming DCC connection.
  • U key
    Rejects an incoming DCC connection.
  • G key
    Aborts a currently pending DCC request or active DCC file transfer.

Supported commands

  • //irc connect ([server](:[port]))
    Connects to an IRC server at port 6667 or the specified port, if one is given. If no server is given, opens the server list.
  • //irc config
    Opens the configuration interface.
  • //irc refreship
    Queries Varden Development's API servers to re-retrieve your network's public IP address. Primarily used to fix issues initiating DCC connections.
  • # /admin
    Gets information about the currently connected IRC server's admins.
  • # /away ([reason])
    Sets yourself as away if a reason is given, or removes your away status if no reason was given.
  • # /banlist
    Shows a list of banned users on the channel you're on or the specified channel, if one is given.
  • # /connect [server1] [port] ([server2])
    Requests server2 (or current server, if not specified) to connect to server1 at the specified port. Requires being an IRC operator.
  • # /ctcp [user] [ping|source|time|version]
    Sends a CTCP message to the specified user.
  • # /dcc send [user]
    Sends a file to a user.
  • # /dcc chat [user]
    Opens a direct chat connection between you and another IRC user.
  • # /deop [user]
    Deops (sets mode -o) the specified user.
  • # /devoice [user]
    Devoices (sets mode -v) the specified user.
  • # /info ([server])
    Gets information from the specified IRC server, or the currently connected server if no server is given.
  • # /invite [nickname]
    Invites the specified user to the current channel.
  • # /ison [nicknames..]
    Gets whether or not the specified users are online.
  • # /join [channel] ([password])
    Joins the specified channel, optionally with a channel password.
  • # /kick [nickname] ([reason])
    Kicks the specified user off the current channel.
  • # /kill [nickname] ([comment])
    Kicks the specified user off the entire IRC network. Requires being an IRC operator.
  • # /knock [channel] ([message])
    Requests to join the specified channel.
  • # /links
    Shows a list of links to other IRC servers that the one you're currently connected to knows about.
  • # /list
    Shows a list of channels on the network.
  • # /lusers ([mask] ([server]))
    Lists information about clients connected to the IRC server. Defaults to the current IRC server.
  • # /me [message]
    Sends an action message to IRC.
  • # /mode [channel] {[+|-][mode]} ({users})
    Sets the specified modes for the given users on the specified channel.
  • # /motd
    Asks the server to re-send the server MotD. (Requires MotD display to be turned on in settings.)
  • # /msg [user] [message]
    Sends a private message to the specified user.
  • # /cmsg [channel] [nickname] [message]
    Sends a message to the specified user on the specified channel that bypasses spam protection limits, if the server supports it.
  • # /cnotice [channel] [nickname] [message]
    Sends a notice message to the specified user on the specified channel that bypasses spam protection limits, if the server supports it.
  • # /names ([channel])
    Lists everyone on the channel you're on or the specified channel, if one is given.
  • # /nick [nickname]
    Changes your nickname.
  • # /notice [user|channel] [message]
    Sends a notice message to the specified user or channel.
  • # /op [user]
    Ops (sets mode +o) the specified user.
  • # /oper [username] [password]
    Elevates yourself to IRC operator status, if the correct username and password is specified.
  • # /part [channel]
    Leaves the specified channel without disconnecting from the IRC network.
  • # /quit
    Disconnects you from the IRC server.
  • # /rehash
    Reloads the IRC server's configuration. Requires being an IRC operator.
  • # /restart
    Restarts the IRC server. Requires being an IRC operator.
  • # /rules
    Lists the server rules, if the server supports it.
  • # /servlist ([mask] ([type]))
    Lists network services connected to the IRC server.
  • # /silence [hostname]
    Silences the specified hostname, if the server supports it.
  • # /silencelist
    Gets a list of the users you've silenced with /silence. (Partially unimplemented.)
  • # /squit [server] [reason]
    Requests the specified IRC server to disconnect from the network.
  • # /time ([server])
    Gets the specified IRC server's current time, defaults to the current IRC server if no server is given.
  • # /topic ([channel] ([topic]))
    Gets or sets the topic for the specified channel. If no channel is given, gets the topic for the current channel.
  • # /unsilence [hostname]
    Unsilences a hostname previously silenced with the /silence command.
  • # /unwatch [nickname]
    Stops watching a nickname previously watched with the /watch command.
  • # /userhost [nicknames..]
    Gets information about the specified nicknames.
  • # /userip [nickname]
    Gets the IP of the specified nickname, if the server supports it.
  • # /version ([version])
    Gets version information from the specified server, or the current server if no server is given.
  • # /voice [user]
    Voices (sets mode +v) the specified user.
  • # /watch [nickname]
    Watches the specified nickname, if the server supports it.
  • # /watchlist
    Gets a list of the users you've watched with /watch. (Partially unimplemented.)
  • # /who [hostmask]
    Shows a list of users on the channels you are on who matches the hostmask specified.
  • # /whois [nickname]
    Shows information about a user currently online.
  • # /whowas [nickname]
    Shows information about a user who disconnected recently.


  1. Install Minecraft Forge.
  2. Open the Forge mods folder.
  3. Drop the IRCLinqed jar file in there.
  4. Play Minecraft!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this mod require ModLoader or Forge?
A: Yes - Forge is required.

Q: Can I include this mod in my mod pack?
A: If you contact me prior to adding it, and you get my written consent, then yes. I usually accept my things being put in mod packs, but NOT if it has been added without my consent or without understanding of the requirements I send you.

Q: How do I install it?
A: Refer to the Installation section just above.

Q: Do I have to pay anything to download this mod?
A: Of course not!

Q: When I enter my search query in the channel list window, the search field turns red. Why?
A: The search field uses Java regex to search for channels. If the field turns red, that means your regex query is incorrect. Have a look at this article for a Java regex guide.

Q: How do I switch between channels I'm on?
A: Use the /join command, as if you were joining the channel.

Q: How do I switch between servers I'm on?
A: Multi-server support is currently just in Alpha, and switching between servers hasn't been implemented yet. You can, however, disconnect from a server with the /quit command, you'll then automatically talk in the previous server you connected to. This may be buggy.

Q: How do I send messages over IRC?
A: In your standard chatbox (press T in-game), enter a pound symbol (#), followed by a space, then your message.

Q: How do I send commands to IRC?
A: You send them just like normal IRC messages; just enter your command instead of the message.

Q: I found a bug! How do I report it?
A: Send us a message over at the Contact Us page (see navbar at top), or post a reply on our Minecraft Forums topic. Remember to include a description of what you did prior to and when the bug occurred, and, if possible, include a log.

Q: What does it mean that the mod is in alpha?
A: Alpha means that the mod is not fully developed, and it's known to contain bugs and miss features. It's not a finished product and requires major work to complete.

Q: I love this mod so much I feel like donating to you! How can I do that?
A: Well, thank you a lot for appreciating my work that highly! I am sadly unable to get a PayPal account or similar up and running in the near future, so donating would be hard :(

Known bugs

  • Minecraft to IRC settings are currently not functional.
  • Doesn't completely implement RFC 1459 and RFC 2812.
  • There are more bugs. Please report them if you see them.