Marius Lindvall

Marius Lindvall

25 years old
Norwegian data/computer student
Programming and security enthusiast

“Hi! I am Marius, a software developer from Norway. I am passionate about privacy, security and freedom online. I envision computer technology as a vital part of our future. At 11, I was introducted to programming at a summer camp. Since then, I've always looked at coding as a tool to automate processes and help me and others do work more efficiently. You're now on my personal website, where I publish these tools, as well as other work I have created, in the hopes that you will find them useful. Feel free to browse around and use my tools, and contact me if you've got any questions or ideas. Have fun!”

Computer software

Minecraft mods

Plugins and extensions

Computer games

Web-based solutions

Software documentation

Developer resources

Academics and research

Software (full list)

Documents (full list)

Contact me